Dr. Mohammad Syafiudin, MBA

Dr. Mohammad Syafiudin, MBA

Dr. Mohammad Syafiudin, MBA

Human Resources & People Development

Mohammad Syafiudin adalah Praktisi HRD yang  sangat Professional dan syarat dengan pengalaman. Jabatan di Instansi yang pernah dan saat ini Beliau mengabdi sangat prestatif dan variatif diantaranya : Head of Administration, Internal Audit Unit, Assistant Senior Manager for HRD(BUMN) , HR & GA Manager (Port of Tanjung Perak), HR & GA Manager, Surabaya International Container Terminal (HR Senior Executive Officer,Corporate Trainer (BUMN).

Education : Mohammad Syafiudin mempunyai latar belakang Pendidikan yang sangat supported dengan Karir yang digelutinya: Bachelor Degree International Relations-FISIP Univ. Jember (S1), Flinders University of South Australia, AUSTRALIA- International Business-MBA (S2-Postgraduate), Candidate for Doctoral Degree (PhD- Management)-Faculty of Economics and Business-Universitas Airlangga, INDONESIA. Dengan Pendidikan dan Pengalaman yang sangat mumpungi, Mohammad Syafiudin memperdalam pengetahuannya dengan berbagai pendidikan Non-Formal: HRD Theory, ICT in Training, HRD Technology, HRD Research and Methodology, Training Evaluation, Port Management, (Compare and Contrast), Project Management, Working in Teams , Self Management, Communication & Networking in the Workplace, Business & Workplace Presentations, Team Challenge: Leadership Program, International HR Congress, Training for Trainers (ToT), UNCTAD, Excellent Customer Services, Reinventing and Reengineering HRD, Global SecretaryIELTS (English), Recruitment and Selection  , ISO 9000: Series (Lead Auditor Training) , Balanced Scorecard (BSC), Transforming HR into a Business Partner, Strength-Based Organization, Performance Management in BSC Companies, Organizational Structure Design Based On Business Process, Competency–Based Human Resource Management,Competency-Based Performance Management, HR National Conference, PPM Jakarta, Top Executive Development Program, PPM Jakarta, National HR Conference (HRD Club Indonesia), Certified Human Capital Management System (C-IHCMS), Certified Talent Management (GML), Human Capital Audit, Management Representative (MR) , Training of Trainer (TOT) BNSP,
Teaching & Training Experiences :Internal Corporate Trainer  (Leadership, Public Speaking, Human Capital Management, Spiritual Management), International Trainer for UNCTAD (Port Management, Human Capital Management),Professional Trainer for :1.Global Leadership Development Program (G-LDP);2.Certified Human Capital Management (C-HCM);3.Certified Talent Management (C-TM);4.Certified Performance Management System(C-PMS);5.Motivational Trainer Superior Character Building “SAW Training” (Spirituality at Work”); 6.Building A Superior Service Culture (Excellent Customer Service); 7. Stratetgic Management;Consultant for: 1.BSC-Based Performance Management System; 2.Building A Spiritual based Company-Speaker for CEO Forum. 
Organization :Member of ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) , President of Human Capital Forum CEO-Sufi Center- Surabaya-INDONESIA , President Pondok Pesantren Pensiunan.
Achievement Award : Supersemar Scholarship, Indonesia, The Best Student, Jember University, Indonesia, NEC Scholarship, The Netherlands, ASEAN Graduate Scholarship (AGS), Singapore , Australian Development Scholarship (ADS), Australia, The 1st for ASIA HR Award, Malaysia.


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